News | June 24, 2019
GRACE-FO First Gravity Field Data Now Available

Illustration of the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment Follow-On (GRACE-FO) mission. GRACE-FO tracks the evolution of Earth's water cycle by monitoring changes in the distribution of mass on Earth. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
On June-12, 2019, the GRACE-FO project released their first Level-2 data products, which are now available at NASA’s Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC) and GFZ’s Information System and Data Center (ISDC). This release follows the Level-1 data release on May-24, 2019, which are also available under the above links.
This first product release includes nine monthly gravity fields from the three mission Science Data System centers (JPL, GFZ, CSR), as well as the corresponding atmosphere and ocean dealiasing (AOD) background model data, spanning the period from June-2018 through April-2019. Subsequent monthly Level-2 products will be available at PO.DAAC and ISDC on a monthly basis starting in July-2019.
Please refer to Level-2 data set release notes and documentation (at PO.DAAC and ISDC) for a detailed description of the data, file formats, updates, conventions, as well as important processing recommendations.
The GRACE Follow-On Project team is looking forward to presentations and discussions of data quality, findings and analyses at the Science Team Meeting in Pasadena this fall (Oct 8-10, 2019). Invitations for attending the Science Team Meeting will be sent out in a few weeks.